Woody Allen_

aindrila, akhila, akshaya, alan.fly, aneri, anindita, aparajitaG, arunDS,

binitaM, christie,  

jerryM, joey, lea,

petal, pranjaliK, reema,

sarojK, Yvette,

My dear

As we grow older, we sometimes sit down and think about how our life has been….. and whither it is going .

We might wonder if we would have been any different if things had been different.


And if we could go back and change things would we? I am not so sure…


Here’s an interestingly  proposed alternative ….








I do not think this is possible but whatever way we go, it is always nice to be able to finish off excitedly!!


The rains have begun YYYAAAAAAYYYYY ! Pre-monsoon or the real thing I am not so sure….

The wet-fresh smell of the earth, the green-wash look on the leaves, the soft cool rain breeze playing comforting games around us….

There is a promise in the air and I am looking forward to its fulfilment.


Just a week more and college re-opens….. to routine and excitement and other regular busy times and things…


All else well as my this life (not next life..!) goes on… happily forwards of course!

I also rest my case!


Take care. Love, Terry






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