2017rural, 2016jcs;

aadiR, aaheliG, aartiK, aaryaT, aashiR, aashitaK, aasthaD, abhaP, abiM, abiyaM, aditiM, aditiV, adyaA, agnesJaenaT, aishwariyaG, aishwaryaA, aishwaryaM, andreaDM, aneriT, aninditaS, ajayN.gang, akanshaK. akshataA,, alexP. alfieD. aliefyaV, alisha.anuM, alishaR, alisonD, alpaD, amritaN, amritaSh, anaitaK, ananyaBS, anchalA, andrea.Denver, andreaN, anishaAn, anishaDeS, anjuM, ankitaD, ankitaG, ankitaR.gang, ankitaT, annabella.alreenaP, anneN, annT,annukampaH, anoushkaV, antaraT, Antara.meghanaT, anthonyF, anuG, anuradhaP, anushkaH, anushkaL, anushkaR, aparnaAn aparnaAch, aparnaKaps, aparnaKh, aparnaSN, , apurvaD, arantxaC, archanaB, archieJ, arshiaK, arthurD, arunDeS, arushiB, ashikaM, ashmithaJ, ashnaB, ashnaR, ashwiniM, ashwiniN, asmitaK, athiraAs, aveeP, ayeshaDar, ayushiU,

barkhaS, beenaJ, bernadetteF, bhaniC, bhavanaH, bibakhyaS, biniS, blaiseD, blissG, boscoR, Brinda.shonaD,

calvina.gang, candiceC, candidaN, carenF,carissaM, carlM, carlSa, carolineD, carolineP, celinaF, chaitaliM, chandaniJ, chelseaD, chelseaR, cherrylP, cheryl.JohnD,, chloeD, christieDC, christineC, christineF,chitraP, christabelleR, clerisaV, cynaraP,

danicaDM.gang, danielleE, deepaSh, deepaSom, deepikaM, deepikaSh, deeptiA, denisR, Derek.soniaM, devenC, dikshaN, dimpleK, dimples, dishaK, dishaS, divyaDav, divyaDev, divyaD’S, donnaP, durgaG, dwishaH,

edwinaP, elaineD2, emicaN, ericaM, evaristN,

fahlenF.gang farinazL, fayannD, firoozaA, flaviaA, fleurD, fleurelDC,

gandhaliK, gargiP, gauharS, gauriKaw, gautami, geetaC, giselleF, giselleL, gitaliR, glendaN, gloryD, glynisM, gordonD, gouriB,

habibaI, heba.samiJ, hetaC, hetalJ, hetviD, himaP,

ibtisamkS, indrayaniM, ingitaJ, inisiaL, insiyaR, ishaS, ishaniB, ishitaK,

janhaveeP, janiceB, janineC, jasmine, jasminJ, jasmine, jayaJ, jenisR, jenniferG, jenniferT, jennyP, jessica, joelR, johnQ, josephX, joyceD, judeaA, juhiV, juliaD, juliaJ, jyotsnaM,

kalindiR, kalpitaJ.gang, kalyaniW, kanakB, kanakS, kanicaS, kareenaM, karenF, karen.sharonD, karenM; karinaBh, karin.gang, karishmaC, karishmaH, karishmaSu, kalyaniA,kashmiraS, kavyaR, keziahN, khanjanaM, kheomiDS, Khushi.happy; khushbooA, kimMa, kimberleyL,kimberlyR, kimberlyV, kinjalP, komalA, kritikaS, kunaliS,

LabdhiV, lakshmiK, latikaV, leahU, leannD, lexleyP, lilyB, linusF, lionalF, lisaDeS lizannF, lornaD, lorraineG,

madhuraM, madhuriR, madhuwantiG, maduraG, maherraK, mahiM, malaikaDM, mallikaJ, malvikaA, manaliP, manasiP, manasviS, maneeshaP, mangalaN, manishP, manishaA, manujaS, marannaM, mariaDS, mariamM, marieM, marisaDM, marjorieF, meenakshiI, meetaT, meherM, melanieC.Ralph, mellitaA, mehakaD, menakaP, merle.MaryannO, michaelC, michelleF, miloniS, milredS, mirabelleDC, misbahS, mischelleD, mishkaS, mrunmayeeP,

namitaF, nancyN, nandaS, nanditaM, naomiM, naomiS, natasha.nakitaS, natashaAw, natashaSh, natashaT, neelK, neenazI, neevaP, nehaAg, nehaBan, nehaBet, neharikaSi, nehaSalg, nehaVaz, nehaVee, neishaM, neolaD, niaC, nicoleSoa, nicoletteD, nidhiD, nidhiT, nidhieAj, , nidhiM, niharika K, nirmalaA, nimishaB, ninetteP, nirmalaP. nishiD. nithyaT, niveditaM, niveditaV, niyantaP, niyatiJ, noorV, oleenM,

pallaviSen, parinazA, parulV, payalS, payalV,, pearlDS, pearlDS2, pearlSh, pearlT, pervinS, petalG, philipT, prachiL, praneetaK, pranitaP, pranjaliK, preethiP,preetiH, preetiM, pritiI, priyaBa; priyamvadaM, priyankaJ, priyankaN, priyankaR.gang, priyaR, puja.gang, putliP,

RachaelDC.gang, rachelCh, rachitaD, radhaJ, radhikaA, radhikaR, radhikaS, rajeshP, rakheeP, rakshandaT, rakhshandaK, rashidaMHM, rashmiM, rashmiR, rashmitaS, rashnaI, rasikaK, rasikaV, ratiP, rebeccaDL, rebeccaS, remap, reneeR, renukaD, renukaR, rheaC, rheaD, rheaG, rheaN, rheaPD/graham, richaN, richikaP, rigveditaN, rimitaD, riniCol, rishaG, rithikaD, rituC, rituD, riyaK, rizwanaM, roannaB, Rochelle.michelleV, rolandF, ronitaT, roopinaC, roseG, roshanBou, roshnaT, rosieD, roxaneK, ruchikaB, ruchiPal. ruchiPar, ruhiM, ruthM, ruthV, rutujaG, rutujaP,

saeeT, saieeG, saanikaU, saffrinD, sagrikaB, sailiBh, sailiH, sakinaCh, sakinaM, salimS, saloniB, saloniD, samanthaD, samiraM, sanchitaDG, sanciaD, sandhyaS, saniyaC, saniyaPeg, saniyaR, sanjanaM, sanketK, saradaB, sarahT, sarikaR, saschaT, sashaC, sashaM, savioCar, savioCra, sayaliD, sayaliN, seemaSha, shagunP, Shaila.vernonA, shalakaApt, shaliniSh, shalmaliSank, shalmaliSat, shalmaliSur, shamsahS, shanisseDM, shaniyaK, shantalC, sharalT, sharleneL, sharmeenT, sharmisthaC, sharonAD, sharonD, sharonNo, sharonP, sharonSi, sharvariJ, sharvariP, sharviM, sherlaineV, shetalLo, shibaN, shivaniS, shilpaS, shivangiPar, shobhaG, shonaliR, shonaliS, shradaB, shraddhaK, shraddhaN, shreyaK, shreyaV, shriyaCh, shriyaP, shrutiB, shrutiNag, shrutiNar, shrutiW, shubhikaV, shwetaD, shyamaB, sidhdhiS, simmiH, simonaF, simone.pedro, simramM, smitaJ. smiyaSh, smritiA, smritiJ, snehaK snehalSh, sohiniM, sonaliG, soniaJ, soniaM, sonyaO, soumyaV, srishtiS, srushtiD, stanF, stutiS, subashiniS, suchiS, sudhaP, sujataS, sukritiS, supriyaK, surabhiC, surbhiK, surekhaSh, surmaiB, suzanneDC, suzannePer, svetlanaDC, swethaA, symrunL,

tanazN, tanviP, tanviSang, tanyaM, tanyaN, tarangC, tejashreeC, tejaswiniP, tessA, tezzapace; thaizaD, tiaraP, tomK, tonyF, trinoldaC, truptiP,tusharG/tanyaG,

udayM, uddipanaK, ujjainiB, urvijaG, utshaM,

vabrienaD, vahbizP, vaidehiK, vaidehiMar, vaidehiT, vaishakheeJ, vaishaliJ, vaishnaviS, valerieR, valettaF, vallariM, vanditaS, vanessaV, vareena7, vasundharaT, veenaH, veeraF, venoraL, vibhaK, viditaS, viennaP,, vrindaSha, vrindaShi, vrushaliK,

yakutaK, yaminiJ, yashashreeU, yojanaY, yvetteG,

zaverS, zebaQ, zeniaAr, zenobiaV, ziaH, ziaPar,

My dear

Another quiet Lenten weekend… but with personal breaking news.

Yesterday there was a notice on the Fathers’ notice board announcing that I was being transferred to the Infant Jesus Shrine in Nashik effective from  June 1st, 2018.

I had received an official letter from the Provincial the previous day informing me about the same.

June 1st, 2018. I will go.

All in place for me (mind and heart)  as I look forward to new challenges in a new place.

In Jesuit spirit, I will go willingly and eagerly.

It is God who takes (not sends) me there… and He will show me new and different ways of serving Him.

The best is yet to come… and I look forward to it.


The boat and the sails are mine to get ready. The winds carrying me on ahead are His.

Just for information, I have been in Xavier’s as staff for about 36 years.

Another five years earlier as a student and that makes a grand total of 41 years. That is quite a long time.


During this time I have been working concurrently in the counselling centre over 30 years, in the hostel 32 years ( a world record, I am sure!), SSL (over 30 years), taught psychology in senior college (10 years) conducted the choir (10 years) and loads of here and there things that I busied myself with.

The people I have met and the friends I have made over all these years are innumerable.

It’s been a full life and I am happy about that. Some regrets now and then, but overall there is so much that I am grateful for. 

I really do not know what challenges await me in Nashik but I know that I am in His hands and all will be well.

My big problems just now are dealing with the heavy counselling rush in April and May and all the packing I have to do to get myself going up and away.

But I will deal with that as and when…

And then there will also be a whole lot or good-byes. These would be difficult but I will deal with them as well.


That’s all for now. Good times and wonder things to you.

Take care. Stay well.

Lots of love, Terry

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