GIFT Of Goodbye (turn on your speakers)._

aadiR, aakankshaF, aaryaT, aashakaS, aasthaD, aishaD, akshataShir, akshayaN, alafiaB,, alishaR, alisonD, allana, ambikaN, aneriT, angana, anishaA, anjeliqueJ, ankitaD, ankitaG, ankitaR, annukampa, antaraM, anuradhaI, anuradhaP, anushkaK, aparajitaG,  arantxaC, arpitaN, arshia, asmitaK, aymanC, ayushiJ, ayushiU,

barkhaN, bianca, blissG, brancaT, brinda,

candiceC, carl, carolineM, christie, chryslynn, clyde, cynaraP,

daphyneG, deanD, dikshaN,

ericaL. esha,

fatemaS, ferozaS, frazer,

gargiP, genevieveS,  habiba,hailleyT, hetaC, ishaG,

ingitaJ, ishaS,

jasonM, jasonR, joanita, joelP, jonita, joynelF, judithT, jyotiR,

kalpitaJ, kanakS, kashu, kaveriV, kavyaR, keagan, keomiD, ketakiM, khyaitB, kimM, komalK, kritiM,

lattania, leaC, lisaC,

madhuriR, maherra, mallikaK, mallikaT, manasviB, manavikaP, manjiriS, maranna, marianneJ, marjorieF, maryannL, mayuri, mehekM, merin, miloniS, milredS, mitchelle, mugdhaK, murielD,

natashaBa, natashaBh, natashaL, neharika, nehaBet, nehaD, nehaV, neola, niaC, nidhiM, niharikaK, nishithaS, nishtha, nithyaT nikitaD’C, nikitaDesh, nikitaG,

pervin, petal, poojaShah, poonamB, prajakta, praneetaK, pranitP, pranjali,  preksha, priyaBaid, puja,

raashiR, radhaJ, radhikaA, radhikaS, rakheeP, rashmitaS, ratiP, reship, rheaC, rheaPD, richikaP, riddhiK, riddhimaB, rimitaD, rishiJ, roshanBala, ruhiM, ruthV, rutujaP,

sagarG, sailiB, saiP, sakshiJ, saloniB, salonieP, samarthM, sanchari, sanchita, sasha, sashaM, saviera, sayaliN, shalmaliG, shalmaliK, shalmaliS, shalmaliSank, sharonD. sharvariJ, sherlaineV, shibaN, shreyaJ, shriyaP, shrutiB, shrutiN, shwetaR, shyamaB, siddharthK, sidelle; simonaF, simrinV, sivanaD, smriti, shaunD, shreyaT, sonaliG, sonalK, stan, supriyaC, supriyaK, surabhiC, surmaiB, swethaA,

tanviM, tanyaN, tanyaR, thaiza, tiaraP, tusharG,

urvija, utkarshaD, vaidehiK, vaishakhee, valetta, varadaS, vrushaliK, vrushtiJ, wendyD,

xenia, yvette,

zavs, zebaQ, zelynda, zeniaA,  zenobia,

music in the attachment…

My dear

The graduation convocation is over. You were up there on stage, posing, beaming, glowing…

Farewell feelings for you… as so many wonder-years at Xavier’s come to a close and confident steps have to be taken into a challenging world out there!

I have no doubt that you will dazzle wherever you go and whatever you do.

Roots and wings at Xavier’s have made you a so much more wonderful you!

Of course it is not easy saying good bye to so much and so many….

Thought it would be appropriate to send this around to you..


photo/montage : terryq

The Gift Of Goodbye

They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us – 1 John 2:19

You will leave certain people and places.

Certain people will leave you.

When you have to go, go.

When people leave you, let them go.

Don’t try to talk them into staying.

Your destiny is seldom tied to places or people who walk away!

When people or places don’t belong in your life anymore,

even a bucket of Super Glue won’t make them stay!

Recognise it when somebody’s part in your story is over as well,

otherwise, you’ll keep trying to raise the dead.

Know when something is over!

If God means for you to have it, He’ll give it to you.

When you’ve tried to make it work and it hasn’t, accept His will in the matter.

Get up. Go to the mall. Buy yourself a new outfit.

Treat yourself to a good meal. Start living again.

Never beg anyone to stay with you against their will.

Their leaving is no accident; the ‘gift of goodbye’ is a scriptural one.

It means God has got something better in store for you.

And most possibly for them too !

Keep trusting Him – in every “going” and “coming”.

The good news is that there is no “coming” or “going” in the relationship we have with God.

At least from His side…. Not ever having to say “goodbye” to Him.

He is always there… and always will be… unconditionally..!

Make friends with yourself too!

That’s one friend you will always have with you till the very end!

Others may come and go but God and you will always be there for you!

Isn’t that a comforting thought to help us through all the “goodbyes” we have no control over?

But we will keep in touch…. and you will come back now and then

We will then happily share in-between stories over coffee/tea and pamperings!

I look forward to that…..

Take care. A warm hug and terry-blessings for the challenging years ahead.

Lots of love, Terry

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