A abiM, aindrilaRC, aishwariyaG, aishwaryaD, aishwaryaM, ajayN, akshataA, alisonD, alfieD, alpaDA, alyshaAg, amandaT, anaghaB, ananyasp. andreaT, ankitaG, ankitaT, annT, annukampaH, anthonyF, anushkaM, anushkaR, aparnaA, arshiaK, ashnaB, ashokM, asmitaK, ayushiU,
B bibakhyaS, biniS, blaiseD, blissG,
C calvina.gang, candidaN, carissaM, carlSa, celinaF, chandniC, Christine C, ,
C chelseaDas, chelseaR, cherrylP, christabelleR, clerisaV,
D danicaD, deanD, deepaShe, derekM, dimpleK, dimpleSo, dishaJ, divyaDev,
F farinazW,
G gargiD, gauharS, gauriK, geetaC, glendaN, glynisM, Gordon, H himaP,
J jasmine, jasmineP, jenniferT, jennyP, joeySP, JjohnQ, oseLuis,
K kanakB, kaneenicaN, karishmaC, kateC, khanjanaM, khushiD, kshitSV,
L linusF, lionelF. lorraineG,
M madhulicaK, madhuraH, madhuraM, maherraK, malaikaDM, manasviS, manishP, marannaM, marietteV, maryA, maryannLD, mayuriS, meherM, melanieC, mellitaA, merleO, minellaF, mrunmayeeP,
N namitaF, nancyN, nehaB, nehaJ, neolaD, nidhiD. nikhitaN, nikitaDesg, nikitaM, ninetteP, nishiD, nishkaM, niyantaP, noorV,
P pearlDM, pearlDS, pearls, pervinS, petrinaD, prachiSha, pranitaP, priyaB, priyamvadaM, priyankaSeb, priyankaSS, priyamvadaM, priyankaJ,pujaG, putliP,
R rachelDav, rebeccaS, reemaPr, rheaC, rimitaD, rituD, roshnaT, rosieD, ruchiPal, ruhiJ,
S saanikaU, salimS, sameeraK, sanchiA, saradaR, shailaA, shalmaliSan, sharonSi. shireenL, shivaniSingh, shobhaG, shraddhaN, shreyaK, shreyaT, shrutiN, shrutiW, simmiH, simonepedro, smitaJ, soniaMenon, stanF, sujataS, supriyaC, surmaiB, swethaA, sybilDC, sylviaL,
T tanazN, tanishaK, taniyaG, tanviSa, tomK, tonyDaS, tonyDsj, trinjhnaK, trushaS,
V vaidehiM, vareenaD, viditaS, viennaP, virtiD,
Y yashuU, Z ziaP, zomieI,
My dear
Good to reconnect with you.
You have come to my counselling centre here and you have surely noticed one or other of these Chinese signs on one or other wall of one or other room of my centre.
It is a well wishing sign meaning Blessing and is pronounced “Fu” or something like that. I have checked on it and if you break up the characters it means something like “Between heaven and earth, God walks with man”. And that, quite obviously is a blessing.
I am not so sure about this but in some regions they add a soft “k” sound at the end of the “Fu”…but that would not sound like a blessing to someone whose language is English!
I am sending the “Fu” blessing to you in this mail… with my love, hugs and whatever else.
Thanks for your mail and your own love and affection that it came into my inbox with…
I will need your “fu” blessings too for the many challenges that come into my life.
All of us need this… and it is good to have friends who can be doing this for you.
All otherwise well with me.
A shower of terry FU blessing wishes to you.
Take care. Stay well.
Love, Terry