

abi, ajaygang, akshaya, alfredo, anishaA, ankitaG, anuradhaP, anushkaK, arshiaK, biancaP,

carl, chitraN, chloe, christineF, claudette,

deepaSom, dishaK, durga, euphy,

fayann, jayantP, jenniferT, judeA, juliaJ, jyotsnaM,

kamalS, kashu, kinjalP, lexley, lizelleF,

madhurima, maranna, mariette, marisaD, maryA, medavyM, merle,

namrataS, nanditaM,

payalV, pervin, petal, rakhee, ronita, rosita,

sanket, sarahT, saviera, shalmaliG, shalmaliK, sharonS, shireenL, smitaJ, snehaK, sujataS, swethaV,

tarang, utsha, veera, vibhaK, wendyD, yvette, zaver,







Meanwhile some more camp reflections…….. naturally!





growing glowing old and new

in sun-kissed tan splendour


rough and tumble bloom

exhaustion, glee enwrapped


promise made to tomorrows 

as we look forward..


 renewed beginnings…


                                      terryq. nov.2010



As you can see, I am still a little bit in the camp mood – not really celebration, but rest and recuperation… which is almost complete!

I did not think it would take so long. I guess my age is finally taking a toll on me… and “young at heart as well as young in spirit” that others might see me to be, I have to admit that I yield to weariness a little more easily now…


I should listen well and truly to what my body is telling me: ” Slow down man! You do not have to prove anything to anybody….!” Quite often it is that. I am a bit of a show-off and would like to come out on top when I compete with the best of them!  Stupid of me but there it is.


No, I am not complaining, I am just accepting… and appreciating the way I am just now… and adjusting to it.


To make matters a little worse this time, I had quite a spate of weddings (3) and celebrations(1) and workshops(1) and talks (1) since I came back from camp. I did not take camp-lag into consideration when I agreed to them!


Good news : I listened to my body the weekend after camp. There was an overnight post-camp party in faraway Karjat… in a farm there. My body said: ” Don’t be an ass… don’t go!” I listened! and I really had a peace-filled restful weekend!


Whatever else, I have reasonably survived all of this and I am still fit enough to have a great time when Christmas comes around and otherwise celebrations happen again! Many of my family are coming down from abroad… and there will also be my nephew’s wedding on Jan.4th! You can bet I am going to have a good time….


Meanwhile college things are happening … and the Christmas vacations with related celebrations are to come up….

You can bet I am looking forward to all that!


More celebrations to you too!


Love, Terry





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