break through…_

aadiR, aartiK, aashiR, aashitaK, aasthaD, aasthaK, aditiK, aditiV, aishikG, akhilaN, akshataA, akshayaN, akshraP, Alisha.anuM, alishaK, alishaL, ambikaN, amritaSa, amritaSh, anaitaK, aneriT, angelaRo, angeliqueJ, anishaA, anaitaK, ankitaG, ankitaR.gang, annabellaP, annukampaH, anupreetD, anuradhaP, anushaK, anushkaH, anushkaK, anushkaM, aparnaAn, aparnaK, aparnaT, archanaB, arshiaK, arunK, arushiB, arushiCK, arzannedeV, arzooH, asmitaK, audreyF, aveeP, aymanC,

bansiV, barkhaS, barnaliM, bernadetteF,bernadetteM, bhaniC, biniS, boscoR,

calvina.gang, carlM, carlS, chandaniJ, chandniC, cherylRo, christabelleR, christineC, christineF,

danielleE, danikcaD.gang, deeptiAn, denver.andrea, devenC, dimpleK, diyaM, dorothyT,

elaineD, emicaN, emilD, ericaM, eshaH,

farinazL, fionaV, francaD,

gautamiP, gloryD, gunjanB,

hailleyT, insiaL, ishaS,

janiceS, janineC, jasmine, jennyP, jiyaG, joeQ,

Kalpita.gang, kananJ, kaneenicaN, kanicaS, karenD, karenF, karinD, karishmaC, karishmaH, kashmeeraS, khushiG, kimberlyR, kritaB, kshitiSV,

labdhiV, lakshikaK, leahU, leannD, lexleyP, lilyB, looSh, lynetteD,

madhuraM, madhuwantiG, maduraG, manasiPin, manavikaP, maneeshaP, mariaD, marietteV, mayuriU, meganDS,mehekM, meherM, misbahS, mrudutaC, muskanL,

namitaF, nandaS, nanditaM, naomiM, natashaA, natashaE, natashaBh, natashaTr, nayanaK, neenazI, neerajaA, nehaBan, nehaBet, nehaJ, nehaV, neharikaS, nicoleS, nidhiM, nidhiT, nikitaDC, nikitaDu, nishiD, nitantaP, noelS, oleenM,

paridnyaK, parmeshwariB, parthiviM, pearlDS2, pearlSh, pervinS, petalG, poonamB, prachiSa, prachiSh, priyamvadaM, pujaG, putliP,

radhikaA, radhikaS, radhikaV, rakheeP, rakhshandaK, rakshandaT, rashiPant, rashmiR, , rasikaU, rasikaV, reemaPr, remyaR,renukaD, renukaR, reshmaB, rheaC, riyaK, roshnaT, roshniM, roxaneK, ruhiJ, rutujaP,

saieeG, sailiB, saloniD, sameeraK, sanchiA, sandhyaS, sanjanaM, sanketK, sakinaCh, sarahSh, sarangaK, shagunP, shalakaA, shalmaliG, shantalaK, sharanyaN, sharonD, sharonS, shaziyaK, sherlaineV, shibaN, shivaniSin, shivaniShe, shraddhaN, shriyaCh, shrutiB, shrutiG, sidhdhiS, shubhikaV, shwetaR, siddhiA, smitaB, smitaJ, SnehaJanaki, sohiniM, sonyaO, soniaMenonsoumyaV, , sukritiS, surabhiS, surbhiK, swethaA,

tanazN, tanishaM, tanviSan, tanviSh, tanyaGid; tanyaGov, tanyaM, tarangC, tarangM, tejashreeC, thaizaD, tomK, trishaH, truptiP, TS,

ujjainiB, urvijaG, utkarshaD, utshaM,

vahbizP,vaidehiK, valentinaF, varadaS, viditaS, vijayG, walty,

yakutaK, yaminiJ, yashashreeU, yojanaY,

zaverS, zeniaA, ziaP, zomieI,

My dear

It’s been such a long time since I mailed you. I remember you fondly again…

Random terry-thoughts for you…

It is nice to know that in spite of fences and cages and other things that might restrict us, we can with some effort on our part and some grace from God, break through…!


photo: terryq

That is so true! You cannot fence or cage it in for too long.

Remember Cinderella? She had a fairy God-mother to help her out though. You and I may not have one but breaking through is something we can do on our own.

Quite often the fences and cages are of our own making. “I am shy” we say. Or “I am reserved”… “I take long to make friends”… “I have an inferiority complex…” and other such demeaning or limiting things about ourselves. Fences…cages… walls and barriers…

We make comparisons with others to our disadvantage… another unnecessary fence of sorts.

If we choose to surround ourselves by fences or make our homes in cages, the world generally lets us be there.

Those who care for us might make an effort to get us out but if we resist that caring then they sigh in sadness, move on ahead and carry on with their lives.

It is also possible that other people sometimes build cages around us. They fence us in materially, economically or socially. They stifle and suffocate us with their judgements, expectations and interferences. They cannot bear to see us happy or successful. They seem to get a special thrill in keeping us down.

At least it seems that way to us.

There again, one can succumb to these cages or one can just shrug them off and let the spirit within us triumph over the challenges. The sweetest ‘revenge’ we can take on these people is to succeed in life!

The beautiful can always breaks through!

May the beautiful in you do just that!

Take care. Stay well. Break through!

Love, Terry

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