I 02 pilgrim..!!

francisDM, kenrick2, reema, tarang,

The moving on from hostel to Father’s Quarters to wherever else whenever, is like an ongoing pilgrimage for me with the kind of life I have chosen. By the way today is the 49th anniversary of my leaving home to join the Jesuit order : 20th June, 1963. That was the beginning of a kind of pilgrim journey started so long ago… and so much has happened over the years and along the way!

Some reflections about that…..


                   khandala villa                                              photo :  kevin d’cruz

He walks the wooded mists alone

in quest of comforts now unknown

unbeaten paths by spirit shown

determined is his will.

Around him naught of his desire

from vale up mountain slope much higher

through clouds to skies his heart aspires

dream he must fulfil.

Ease life and comforts left behind

the shadow ache  he doesn’t mind

bridge to beyond  he yearns to find

so onward he does go.

Surrendering to glimpse of light

he wards off phantoms of the night

pursues unfaltering the height

that saints and sages know.

Once long ago he had a home

a hearth of joy, no will to roam

long celebrations polychrome

when every need was fed;

then one bright  morn he woke from dream

his soul stretched  out to vision scene

his life packed up, a call supreme

his pilgrim journey led.

He gladly bears the day dust heat

the scorching sands that burn his feet

the chill of night when in retreat

he gathers for the day.

Then fresh renewed he carries on

with staff and bag his all belong

his spirit light, his heart a song

he quests along the way.

He isn’t there, and yet he is

not destination but the bliss

of journey paths he finds that is

his life as meant to be .

A pilgrim still he will remain

the earth, seas, spirit-skies domain

for minstrel wanderings, he reigns

and walks on blissfully….

terryq: 2nd October, 2004

I continue looking forward to the excitement and mystery of new day happenings, making my own contributions to these as new occasions make opportunities available. My latest adventure is charcoal drawings… as you saw. And other differently innovative and exciting here-and-there stuff will happen as life rolls along. Who knows, cooking and baking and making pastries and chocolate goodies might also come up some day!

All else well and I am really waiting for the rains to properly settle and come in thunderstorms and torrents! Since I do not have to commute to work I do not have to suffer the inconveniences of potholes and slush and general drenching when this happens….

Comfortable indoors …sipping hot coffee and chatting with a friend is the best thing when heavy rains come.


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