I 01 against odds._

aashitaJ, Ajay.gang, Alan.fly, ankitaT, aparnaKher,

biniS, Bosco, Brinda,

carl, chloe, claudette, deepaShe, durga,

firoozaA, francisDM, ishaS, jyotsnaM,

Kaneenica, kashu, kavithaP, kenrick, krutiT,

leaC, Lexley, lizannF,

Mahzarine, Manali, manasiP, Manavika, manujaS, Mariette, marisaD, mayuri, mehekM, mruduta, menakaD, menakaP, Mumtaz,

nanda, nikitaDesh, nishi,

payalS, pervinC, poonamB, pujaG,

renny, rheaC, Rheazel, Rigvedita, riyaK, ronita, roxaneK, ruta,

Sandip.sujata, shireenL, shonaD, smritiA, smritiJ, Sohini, sophia, sudhaP, sujataS, supriyaC,

Urvija, vanithaK, vijayG,

wendyD, zaver,

More thoughts from garden times and related things for random reflection….

the seed

has no choice

about where

it will fall….

but once it touches earth

it is fully committed

to its growing………


retreat house garden, bandra.                                                  photo: terryq

on rubbled heap begins new life

makes best of moisture, soil and sun

no questioning,  complaints or woes

resistance none to nature’s spurt

despite the odds. More challenge life

more effort made and bounty seen

when shoot springs forth and leaf new green

to lord of life full homage pays.

Around luxuriant bushes bask

in glory. This, though less may seem,

in rubbled heap will quest its room

find pride of place in Eden’s bloom.

terryq:  9th oct. 2006

It is always a spiritually elevating experience to come across a little shoot sprouting almost defiantly in conditions so totally unfavourable to its growing. In rocky terrain, in desert surroundings, from brick and stone of old abandoned buildings, from broken down weather-worn walls and other challenging situations and circumstances.

Plants find their own unique way of capitalising on all of the minimum they are offered and surviving the harshest conditions for growth.

No complaints. Make the best of what you have and find your place in the world for the time you are in it any which way. That’s an attitude all plants have!

It is true that not all plants survive to maximum growth but you have to grant them the best effort that they make to do so.

Lesson for all of us in this for sure!

Now on to other things….

They say that the more experience one has of trying situations, the better one is able to cope with them. This is also true of malaria! I got my fifth attack of malaria last Thursday evening: loose motions, weakness, temperature, the typical rigor shivering and an awfully restless night. Unlike my usual extended therapy of neglect I went and saw the doctor Saturday morning. I was prescribed a course of medicines and given the promise that I would be well and hearty by Sunday evening! The doctor’s promise was fulfilled, I am well and back to my usual busy routine. A bit slow just now while I am picking up, but almost there!

Other things carry on more or less as usual. No outings or vacation plans but that’s quite a habit with me despite otherwise suggestions I get from the other Fathers here. They say that if I go abroad particularly, I will “broaden my horizons”! As far as I am concerned, my horizons are broad enough already.. and getting still broader with so many things that I continue doing here. What I need to do, perhaps is “tone up” instead of just “broadening” so that life does not become unshapely! My noticeably broadening body parts would do well with a bit of this toning too!

All otherwise well and the good things continue most of the time.

Hope all is wonderful for you despite whatever odds you yourself might be up against!

Take care. Love, Terry


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