country flowers!!._


One hardly notices them:

wild flowers, country flowers

quiet lost in the ordinariness

of all-around shrubs

and half-trampled grass…

flowers glanced at casually

and dismissed from attention.

One has to make an effort of sorts.

Stop for a while. Bend down a little perhaps.

Go down on one’s knees in curious attention.

Get closer to where they are ensconced

in all their subdued grandeur and subtle splendour

The ordinary does not seem ordinary any more.

And one can sit down there for a season

in quiet meditative serenity and celebration…..

That happens with people too.

And it is important that we take time off and pause

so that we might  be graced by beauty and wonder

that is so often  wrapped up  in  the ordinary

that is sometimes the way in which

the truly beautiful comes across.

They pass me by on the corridors,

I meet them in the classrooms,

they drift into my office,

I walk by them in other places.

Sometimes they are boldly present.

Often they are hesitantly hovering

on the fringes of my own comfort zone.

A recognition, a smile,

shared coffee or snacks, a brief interlude,

and I see the flowers for what they really are in bloom.

Every encounter is a blessing.

Sometimes obvious, sometimes disguised.

And I have to take those breaks and open myself

to the enrichment that comes to me

from the country flowers that I am surrounded by…

Thank you for the beautiful

that you are in my life.

Thanks for the beautiful

that you add to my life….

My road more or less travelled

is more colourful and bright and enjoyable

because we see each other

and you walk some of the way with me…

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