
aakankshaF, aashitaK, Alan.fly, alisonD, anilaV, ashmithaJ,

blissG. boscoR,

calvinaF.gang, carissaM, carlSa, chelseaD, dorothyT,

emicaN, ericaM,

fayannD, firoozaA, fleurelD, gautamiG,

habibaI, insiaL,

johnQ, jyotsnaM,

kanakB, kananJ, kaneenicaN,

madhuraM, maherraK, mariaB, marjorieF, mehreenN, michaelC, niaC,

rashmithaS, rheaC, rigveditaN, roshnaT,

sanketK, shalmaliSur, sharonSi,

vibhaK, yvetteG,

Extraordinary music in the attachment.

My dear

One more for you from the terry-collection…

In all of nature and in the whole universe, from seedling to galaxies, there is an invitation coming out to each one of us… to take our ordinary to another level…


Photo: kevinDc

R.S.V.P. with the way you live your life.

The rains have come… and my garden, washed clean and glisten glowing, leaps to extraordinary with a promise of more as the showers continue…

College has begun and the usual bustle envelops the canteen, corridor and classrooms. It’s going to be yet another year of growing up and going on.

Hope your own growing up and going on take you to the extraordinary you are constantly being invited to.

All else well with me.

Extraordinary monsoon blessings to you.

Love, Terry

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