akhilaN, Alan.fly anushaA, aparnaT, archanaB,

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sanketK, shailaA, sharonSi, shobhaG, sidhdhiS, sonaliG, soniaMenon, vanessaV, walterP, zaverS

My dear

Life here continues for me. As you know my life here is mostly with, about and around people.

We often categorize people as normal or weird…  and perhaps sometimes quite inbetween!

It can come to us as quite a surprise that…


Normal people one can relate to but the weird people are the ones that one might have issues dealing with.

For quite a while now I have stopped seeing people as weird. I just see them as being different.

That way there is no unpleasant judgement I have to be making about them.

I can accept them and even more… I can appreciate them.

Jesus Christ might have seemed weird to others.

He wasn’t weird, he was different. And he came to save the world!

People of other religions and communities and cultures are not weird but different.

And this difference, when appreciated and seen as a blessing of sorts, goes a long way in us living in harmony and the world being saved because of that.

It is good to have family and friends who are differently weird.

I guess that I too am seen as weirdly different by some people.

And rather than criticize and ridicule the weird people in our lives it would be great to laugh with and perhaps learn from them…

I quite agree with that… weirdness will save the world!

So go ahead and be yourself! I for one will enjoy you the way you are!

Take care. Stay well. Be weird!

Love, Terry

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