little elephants..! (turn on your speakers), bernadette, flo, joan, joshua, leahU, preeti, reema,

We are all over-awed and sometimes frightened by  elephants.

In books and pictures and movies they are so huge. And unbelievably powerful.

And when we see them for real in a zoo or out on a safari we see that the pictures are right about them.

They are huge and unbelievably powerful.

One must not argue with an elephant. Or even challenge it. A single elephant could crush you with hardly any effort.

But that’s just physically.

If we re-size elephants according to standards like intelligence and love and compassion and sacrifice and service and  all those other beautifully possible and natural human qualities, then we see them differently….

And when we then compare ourselves to them the picture changes….


See what I mean?

Of course elephants also have many of those qualities that we would consider particular to humans.

But they come nowhere near us.

So we need not be afraid of elephants.

As also we should not be afraid of things when they go wrong for us.

These are not problems that we have to run away from or wish away. They are challenges that we should look forward to overcoming with all the resources that we have been blessed with…

And we will be able to walk comfortably among the elephants without any fear of being trampled or crushed by them!

Quite possibly you will also have had your own share of elephant encounters. The fact that you are still around hale and hearty means that you have handled them well. Good for you..

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