NFG 01 making spaces.! ( turn on your speakers)_

aabha, aartiG, abi, aggie, aindrila, akansha, akhilaN, akshaya,  alafia, aleena, alex,alfie,  alpaD, amanda, amritaS,anaita,  andreaD, andyN anishaA, anishaL, ankitaT, ann, annukampa,  anthonyD, anuA, anuG, anuI, anuP, anupa, anupreet, anusha, anushkaK, aparnaKher, apurva, aran, archanaB, archanaR, arshia, arunD, arunI,  arushi, ashlesha, ashwiniM, audreyQ,

barbara, bernadette, bernadine, berthaE, bianca, biniP, binnyP, brinda, bryanL,

caren, carl,carlM, chandani, cherylD,  chintan, chitraP, chong,  chloe, chrisF, christie, christinaV, christineF,, claudette, connie,

deblina, deepaShenoy,deepaSoman, delon, dhvani, dimple, dipayan, divyaD, durga,

edmee, edwina, errol,

fabian, farinaz, fayann, fergus,  firooza, fleur, francisca, francisD,  gennyF, gerard, gauriK, gautami, gerson,  ghandali, giselle, gordon,

habiba, haem, havovi, heba, ian,ibtisam, insia,

janice, jeniferL,jenniferG, jennyP,  jennyT, jerryF,  joan, joey, johnM,  johnQ, joseLuis,  joshua, juliaJ,jyotsna,

kaneenica, kanica, karenD, karenID,karenkaru, karishmaC, kashu,  khushnaood, kiera,komal, krupali, kruti,

lailaS, lakshika, lakshita,lawrie, leahL, leahU, leslie, lexley, lisbert, loo, lorna,louella,lourdes, luke,

manali, manasvi, mary-annO, manishaA, maranna, mariette, marisa, marisaD,  maryann, maryA, maryD, maya, mayuri, melanie, menakaD, merle, michelleV, minoshka,  mirabelle, mishka, monishaC, mrunmayee.

namita, nanda, nanditaB, nanditaM, natashaL,natashaS,  navya, neenaz, nehaN,  neisha, neola, nikhilP, nikitaD, nimisha, ninetteP, nishant, oleen,

pallaviS, pankhuri, parinaz, payalV, pearl, percy, poojaG, poojaK, poojaS, poonamB, prachiS, pradeep, pragya, praveen, preetiH, preetiR, priyaD, priyaH, priyaM, pujaG,

rachelD, radhikaV, rakhee,  rakhi, rasika, reema,renitaF, renny, reshmaB, reshmaS, rheaC, roannaB, rochelleV,  roopina, roshanB, roshanBals, rosieD, roxane,  ruchi,

saby, sai, sakinaC, salim, saloniD, samanthaD, samataA, sameen, sameera, samiJ, samiraM, sandhya, sandipM, sandraM, sanika, saradaB,  saranga, sarika,saritaP, savioCra, schnealleC, seemaJ,  sharonSeq, shetal, shilpaS, sharvi, shivaniV, shonaalii, shonaD, shonaliR, shraddhaK, shriyaP, simmi, simone, smitaS, snehaK, snehaR, snehaT, sonalG,  sonaliG, sonia/derek, sophiaJ,  sparsh, stan,  subashini, sudhaP, sujataM, sujataS, sumi, supriya, suzanneDC,

tanazN, tanita,tanyaP, tanyaR, tapan,  tasneemF, tess, thaiza, tom, trinjhna,

ujjaini, urvi, urvijaa, valerie, valetta, varsha, veera,  venitaF, venitaP, vibha, vinitaM, vivien, wendyC, wendyD,

yakuta, yash, yogi, yvette, zaver

The peaceful aftermath of the Easter season is still on and one must do what one can to make the most of the refresh and renewal that has come into our lives. The miracles are not over…. they continue. And we must do our part so that they have a better chance of transforming us into what we are meant to be.

Don’t know if I ever told you about these little notes I occasionally get from God…. very inspirational and friendly-like.

Here’s sharing one of them with you….


photo: terryq

That’s a nice thing to be doing – uncluttering one’s life and making spaces for the lights that are being sent our way. And the brightness that will invariably follow.

I am sure that a lot of this is happening to you too… more blessings in that direction….

And  our “spaced-out”-for-God life will go on peacefully…

Take care. Love, Terry

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