NFG 09 rainbow.. ._

aadiR, aartiK, abi,, alannaC, Alfredo, anthonyD, anushkaK, aparajitaG, astridLG,

beena, boscoR,

carlS, carolineP, chong,

Delzin, divina. durga,

farinaz, fayann, feliu, francisD,

haem, heba, hima,

jenniferT, joey, johnQ, joseLuis,

karinD, kevin,

leaC, Lexley, lynetteD,

Mariette, marisaM, michaelC, michelleF,

namitaF, nikitaDesh, oleen,

paridnyaK, pearlD, petalG, prachiS, pranjaliK, preethiP, Priyanshi,

Rakhee, roy, ruchiPal, ruta,

sailiB, saritaP, Sharmistha, shivangiPar, sophiaJ, sudhaP, sweedle,

tomK, trisha,

utshaM, vaishali,

Yakuta, Zahra,

My dear

In case you did see “PEACE” in that last mail of mine, great!

In case you did not, my apologies for not telling you how to look for it. Just as “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”, so is PEACE.

If it resides within you then you will easily see it in leaves and flowers and nature and most especially in people.

I may have already told you about these occasional little notes I get from God. Here’s another one I received quite a while back.  


photo/montage : terryq

I have done quite a bit of that during the later years of my life – making my own rainbows with the colours I have been given. It took me a long while to see the colours and recognise them for what they were. But once that happened then the rainbows began. Rainbows of music, of art and creativity; rainbows of companionship and friendship; rainbows of availability and helpfulness and service; rainbows of confidence and effective responses to challenging situations… and so many more.

It is not always easy and, like the real rainbows, they are not up there in the sky forever. The colours keep on changing and the rainbows have to be assembled differently all the time… so that keeps me going interestingly enough. There’s something new every day. Or there is always a way of re-assembling something old differently. Now and then I goof up but He gives me another chance – a brand new sky full of brand new colours for me to work on once again!

It is nice to see the way people around us make their own rainbows as well.

And as teachers/counsellors/parents/elders… it is wonderful to help others assemble rainbows for themselves. We cannot and should not do it for them… but we can help. And it is so fulfilling to see the emergence as potential and possibility transform into performance and reality. The dazzle of new rainbows is reward enough for those of us who go out there lending a helping hand in the process.

So I will continue with rural camps and team-building exercises and PHV classes. I will continue with counselling and availability. I will continue re-assembling my own rainbows even as I make myself available for those who might need some assistance for putting together something beautiful of their own.

And I shall continue thanking God for giving us the colours…

Loads of happiness colours and joy brimming rainbows to you!

Take care.

Love, Terry

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