NFG 10 a way._


Bernadette, biniS, carl,

francisD, gautamiP, jude,

Namita, navya,

Walter, zarine,

My dear

Another a-little-bit-here-and-there rainy Sunday. Did the usual of rest and recuperation and general taking it easy. In a little while I have a big fat Jesuit meeting followed by a special dinner. Nice.

Tomorrow week I have early morning mass at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital. Not so nice. Not because of the mass but because of having to wake up early and related inconveniences. It is amusing how each of us having to do this countdown till the week is successfully over and we can get back to our otherwise schedules. Not that we are late risers (4.30 am till 6.30 am is the general range) but the schedule shift is a bit of a bother.

Sunday sharing with you of yet another little note from God.


                                  photo : ruchi palan

“I do not know where to go from here! I am quite lost and confused! Somebody help me please!”

Familiar words in earlier often situations of my life. At times the questions were more philosophical and profound : Who is the real me? Where am I? What meaning is there to my life? There were times I even considered making some radical decisions because I was not happy where I was and did not quite know where to go.

Now that I am 67 and I look back, I realize that the “lost and confused” have never lasted too long.

There has always been a way I discovered or a way shown to me by someone helpful enough.

G reaching out to me through others, maybe. Good enough and I am grateful for that.

If I am alive and OK today it means that I have successfully (in varying degrees, of course) found my way through all the yesterdays of my life.

And I will be better able to deal with the unpredictables of tomorrows, for sure.

Having already gone through all this, I really have no desire of being “young at heart or in spirit”. Old is what I am and old is what I am glad to be too! It’s a great feeling since there is so much I have been through and grown through. And my life is richer because of that. Of course there are occasional physical limitations or body ailments but my mind and general attitude are top-of-the-pops and that is where I am glad that they are! Thanks to G having shown me the way as and when it was necessary!

Having this kind of attitude makes it easy for me to look forward to life. And if things get tough – as they sometimes do – I know that He will show me the way!

All otherwise well with me as the growing-up continues. Next weekend I have our SSL Project Care – a two day happy-times camp for about 70 underprivileged children. The students organise and run all of it but I have to be around covering logistic goof-ups as and when they happen. I show them the way too!

Stay well and take care.

Love, Terry

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