NFG 38 answered, alishaL, alishaR, anishE, arunD,

barbaraD, boscoR,

carlSa. dorothyT,

glynisM, ingridM,

joeySP, maryA, mikeC,

namitaF, naomiS,

pearlDS2, sharonP, sophiaJ,

tomK, valentinaF,

My dear

Last week of Lent before Holy Week. Lent is a special time of prayer and maybe some of us remember that and take time off occasionally to pray a bit. Those who pray regularly might pray a bit more.  And we express our praise and worship and adoration and gratitude in private  or in church or in acts of devotion or maybe even making Lenten sacrifices (no meat/alcohol/chocolates/TV/sending stupid SMS/WhatsApp messages… etc.!)

We make prayers of petition too… asking for favours for success or healing or sorting out complicated things or solutions to seemingly impossible situations.

And we wait patiently for those solutions and wonder suspiciously whether the all-knowing and kind and wonderful God has heard us at all….

I remember one of my sisters telling me long ago that there was no point in praying because what she asked for “ with great faith” wasn’t given to her. The she added : “I knew that would happen”!!

Strange kind of faith that… but the disappointment must have been upsetting surely!

I might have mentioned to you that I occasionally get little notes from God. Inspirational notes… and my life becomes more blessed and peaceful because of them.

Here’s one of the notes I got from Him a while back.


                                                          photo: terryq

I prayed for a thundershower and I did not notice the delicate patterned beads on the surface of luxuriantly green leaves. I prayed for a carpet of colourful roses and I did not notice the half-hidden little flower gently radiating its presence in a sea of green surroundings….

I have prayed for lots of other things too…and for some time now I am beginning to notice the answers even though I did not get just what I prayed for.

I am truly blessed and life is definitely more peaceful for me now. Not all the time and always… but more often.

Thought I would share this with you….

OK, so that was my Sunday “sermon” so you can say “Amen!” if you want to.

The summertime rush begins tomorrow. All is ready and I shall pray that all goes well and those who come for guidance during this season are really helped. Let’s see how that prayer is answered!

All else well and life goes on.

Take care.

Love, Terry

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