NFG 39 My dreams for you. ._

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Here’s something for you from my special collection.

Hanging from the top beam of the door that opens into my counselling centre cabin is a Dream-Catcher sent to me from the US many years ago by a good friend of mine studying there.

The Dream Catcher supposedly catches the bad dreams and keeps them from entering one’s room and one’s life. It only lets the good dreams get through. It’s really nice to have all those good dreams in my life.

I do get occasional bad dreams though, but that might be for other reasons!

We are encouraged to dream BIG. Unless we dream we will not be able to achieve much, they tell us. So we dream wonderful dreams and pray and hope that our dreams will come true.

I personally do not remember doing much of that… and over the years I have learned to accept and be happy about what does come true in my life whether I have dreamt about it or not. I think that came about when many of my earlier dreams did not come true and I found it quite a challenge keeping a straight face and coping with the disappointment.

Then came this note from God that quite reinforced my attitude towards my dreams and the way my life was going.


photo: terryq

His dreams for me? God’s dreams for me? Praying that these may come true? A light turned on inside me!

That makes so much sense even though I do not quite know what these divine dreams for me might be. If I have faith in his care and love for me then these dreams of his would be just the right ones for the way my life ought to be going.

Living out his Father’s dreams for him was precisely the way Jesus spent his life. From the cradle to the cross and beyond, Jesus let His Father’s dreams come true for him.

Our own lives would be so much more in place if we let that happen for us too.

Amen. So be it!

All reasonably well with me as I continue a slowly winning battle with a cough that seems to be enjoying the free board and lodging it is getting in my worn out weary throat!!

You have my blessings that His dreams for you might come true as well.

Take care. Love, Terence

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