NFG 43 take on the world,

My dear

Another recent note from God…

I have other inbetween ones that I have not sent around but this one is good for now.


Good to know that we ourselves have a lot of resources to take on the world… and in addition he loads us with his own power, blessings, grace and strength.

What can we not do with all of this!

The enemy that weakens us and brings us down is doubt and lack of faith. Peter the apostle doubted when he walked across the waters at the invitation of Jesus. And he started to sink. But even then Jesus stretched out to him and lifted him up chiding him a bit for his lack of faith.

So when times are rough and we are quite messed up dealing with difficult situations it is good to remember that we are not alone. He is with us.

All well this side. It is Malhar time again here – last day today. No disturbance for me as I remain in my centre doing my own thing. And tomorrow is another public holiday so more recovery time.

Meanwhile the rains come and go rather unconvincingly… I guess there is a message there somewhere but I am not sure what it is.

Take care, Stay well and take on the world. You are not alone!

Love, Terry

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