NFG 44 Light up

aabhaA, aartiK, aaryaT, aashiR, aashnaH, aasthaD, abiM, aditiV, afreedM, ahatS, ajay.gang, aishwariyaG, aishwaryaM, aishwaryaN, akshata, akshataS,, alishaL, alisonD, ambikaJay, amritaSah, amritaSho, angelaRod, angelineL, anilaV, anishaA, anishaDeSA, ankitaG, ankitaRgang, annabellaP, annukampaH, anoushkaV, antaraT, anuG, anupamaA, anupreetD, anushkaD, anushkaK, anushreePar, aparajitaG, aparnaKap, aparnaT, arpitaN, , arshiaK, arshiyaKh, arthurD, arushiSh, ashikaM, ashnaR, ashwiniM, ashwiniN, asmitaK, aveeP, aymanC, ayushiJ, ayushiU,

barkhaS, barnaliM, beenaJ, bernadetteF, bernadineR, bhaktiP, bhaniC, bhavanaH, bibakhya, binduP, biniS, boscoR, brindaD,

calvina.clarissaF, carissaD, carlM, carls, carolineC, carolineM, carolineP, celinaF, chandniC, charisma, chelseaDas, chelseaR, cheriseM, chitraP, chong, christabelleR, christineC, christineF, chryslynnD, clerisaV, cynaraP,

danicaD.gang, darshiS, dasylD, deanD, deanneR, derekM, deepikaS, deeptiA, devanshiS, devenC, dikshaN, dimpleSon, dishaK, divyaD, durgaG, dwishaH,

emilD, fahlenF, fayannD, Feliu, firoozaA, fleurelD, francaD, francisDM,

gailC, gandhaliK, gargiM, gauriK, gautamiP, geetaC,, giselleF, giselleL, gloriaH, goldieA, gordonD, gouriB,

habibaI, hailleyT,

indrayaniM, ingitaJ, insiaL, ishaS, ishaniB, ishitaD, ishitaK,

jaiW, janhaveeP, janiceB, jenniferT, jessicaA, joanitaB, joannaM, joeyP, jonitaD, joyceD, Joynel.gang, judeA, juhiV, jyotsnaK, jyotsnaM,

kalaB, kalindiR, kalyaniW, kananJ, kaneenicaN, karenD, karenF, karenM, karinaB, karishmaC, kashmeeraS, kasturiR, kateC, kaveriV, kezzyP, kimberleyL, kimberlyR, kinjalS, kriyaB, kylynnB,

lakshitaS, latikaV, lattaniaS, lexleyP, linusF, lizannF, louellaR, lynetteD,

madhuwantiG, madlin, mahzarineJ, malvikaA, manaliG, manasiPar, manasiShir, manasviB, manasviS, maneeshaP, mariaB, marietteV, marisaD, marisaM, maryA, mayaD, meetaT, meganR, meghanaT, mehekM, meherM, miloniS, misbahS, mishkaS, murielD,

naliniP, namitaF, nancyN, nanditaM, natashaB, natasha.nakitaS, natashaSuv, neenazI, nehaBan, neharikaSi, nehaSh, neolaD, nidhiM, nikitaA, nikitaG, nimarK, ninetteP, nityaN, niveditaV,

paridnyaK, parinazS, pearls, pervinS, poonamB, poonamS,prachiSan, prachiSha, pranjaliK, pranotiS, prayernaR, preethiP, prekshaB, prernaM, priyaB, priyaL, priyankaR, pruthaSom, puja.gang, putliP,

rachaelD, rachelP, rachitaD, radhikaA, radhikaR, rakheeP, rakhshandaK, ramonaP, rashmiR, ratiP, rebeccaSh, reemaPr, rheaC, riddhimaB, rituD, rochelleP, ronitaT, roshnaT, rutaK, rutujaP,

sakshiJ, salimS, saloneeJ, sameeraK, sanchariG, sanchiA, sanchitaDG, saniyaS, sanjanaM, sanketK, sarahT, sashaC, sashaM, savioCar, shagunP, shalakaA, shalmaliG, shalmaliSank, sharanyaN, sharonAD, sharonSi, sharvariP, sharviM, shaziyaK, sherlaineV, shilpaS, shirleyM, shivangiP, shonaD, shradaB, Shreyansi, shrutiN, shwetaD, sidhdhiS, sivanaD, smritiA, smritiJ, snehaJanaki, snehalS, sohiniM, sonalK, sonalG, sonalP, soniaJ, sophiaJ, stanF, sujataS, sulaxanaB, sumedhaK, supriyaK, surabiyC, surbhiK, suzanneDC, swatiS,

tanazN, tanviS, tarangC, tess, thaizaD, thomasG, truptiP,

urvijaG, utkarshaD, utshaM,

vaidehiC, vaishakheeJ, valettaF, vanessaV, varshaM, vernonDC, vibhaK, vijayG, vrushaliK, vrushtiJ,


yaminiJ, yashashreeU, yojanaY, yvetteG,

zahraM, zaverS, zeniaA,

Music in the attachment: You light up my life!

My dear

I might not have told you that occasionally I get little comforting and inspiring notes from God. I have got quite a number of them over the years. Sharing one of them with you…

The picture is taken from inside my Counselling Centre. You will notice my slippers at the doorway. That means I am inside. There is bright sunshine outside. Looks all dark and scary inside.

Actually it isn’t dark and scary inside. It really is warm glow and comfortable. Many have remarked this. They sense and appreciate the positive vibes and easy comfort inside the centre. There is a clutter of familiar things and an easy access to serene and calm. If you need something it is there. If you need nothing you will find that there too.

There is a reason for all this and the note from God says it all…

He lights up my life … He lights up my room and all is in place and well. For me as well as for those who drop in.

He lights up all of our lives as well. Soft lights, bright lights, glow lights, dazzle lights. Just the kind of lights for the occasion we need those lights for. And all is well and in place because He just does not light up our lives and goes away. He stays with us making us bright and beautiful by His presence.

More bright and beautiful in your life too.

Love, Terry

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