T-mail e-mail.._





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My dear

I am really glad you reply to mails as and when you can.

Some of the dear friends to whom I send mails regularly and who do not reply regularly, have been complaining about the unusual way I compose my mails that put them at a disadvantage.

“Why do you take so much trouble over them?

Why do you put in so much of flourish?

Why can you not be ordinary and use words like ‘awesome’ and make grammatical and spelling mistakes like the rest of the world does?

These are not mistakes really.

It’s just spontaneous writing… straight from the heart…genuine stuff …like it is meant to be.

Your mails come across as too planned… maybe a bit fake.

Of course they are beautiful but then…”

“And we feel at a disadvantage with our own seemingly ordinary mails.

So we wait for a proper time when we can really really sit down and write you a long beautiful mail as well.

But then that doesn’t happen… and we do not seem to find the time or opportunity to write out that mail.

So we often send out a quick reply (iPhone/smartphone/Blackberry!) while waiting for a train or something like that…. promising ourselves that next time…

And while we are still squirming …there it is again: another flourish mail from you!

For heaven’s sake…!”

No, not everybody says this. Many enjoy my mails comfortably as much as I myself enjoy composing and sending them.

And they have no guilt feeling about not replying…. that’s good.

When comparisons are made about my mails and theirs I often answer: “OK, so you have your youthful good looks and I have my mails! Let’s keep it that way!!

I do not make comparisons of style or eloquence of content.


A mail is a connection that says that we love each other…  and we wish to stay connected. That is the important thing.

The pictures and the poems and the music are a bonus…. unnecessary, yes, but a bonus.

Yes, I love you…. and when you read my mails and smile, I know that you love me too.

Of course I really love seeing your name in my inbox. And I go through your mails more than once, happy to know that you have received my last mail and happy to hear whatever latest news you might send me about yourself.

Thought I’d let you know…..

All the rest going on as usual and I live peacefully, though busily, from day to day trying to delight in the ordinary in whatever form it comes across to me.

Lots of peace and enjoyment to you as well in all that comes across to you.

Take care. Love, Terry



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