Team building camp again._

aabhaA, aadiR, aartiK, aashnaH, aashnaR, aasthaD, abi, adhishreeG, aditiV, afreedM, aindrilaRC, aishwariyaG, ajay.gang, akanshaK, akhilaN, alafiyaB, alexP, aliefyaV, alishaK, amandaT, amritaS, anaghaK, ananyaI, andreaS, aneriT, anganaG, angelaR, angelineL, anilaV, aninditaS, anishaA, anjuM, ankita.gang, ankitaG, ankitaT, annabellaP. annabelleF, annukampaH, antaraM, antaraT, anupaK, anupamaAanupreetD, anuradhaP, anushkaD, anushkaK, anushreeP, aparajitaG, aparnaK, aparnaT, aparnaT, arpitaN, arshiaK, arshiyaK, arushiB, arushiCK, ashikaM

barnaliM, boscoR,

carenF, carlS, carolineC, chandniC, charisma, chelseaR, chong, christieD, christineF, chryslynnD, clydeG, community, cynaraP,

danicaD.gang, deanneR, deepaSh, deepikaSh, devenC, dhruvT, dionneW, dishaK, donnaP,

emilD, evaristN,

fahlen, farinazL, fayannD, firoozaA, frazerM,

gandhaliK, geetaC, gretaM,

ibtisamS, ishaniB, ishaS,

janhaveeP, jenniferG, jenniferT, jennyP, jhanviV, joelR, johncieR, joseLuis, joyceD, joynelF, juhiW, jyotiR, , jyotsnaM,

kalindiR, kaneenicaN, karenD, karenF, karenM, karinD, kashmeeraS, karishmaC, karishmaH, kasturiR,khanjanaM, kieraC, kimberleyL, kimberlyR, kimM, komalA, kriyaB,

lakshikaK, lakshitaS, lakshmiK, lalitaT, latikaV, lexleyP, lilyB, lizannF, looS, lornaD,

maherraK, malvikaA, manaliG, manasiP, manasviB, manasviS, manavikaP, maneeshaP, manishP, manujaS, marannaM, marietteV,marisaD, marisaM, maseeraS, mayuriU, meetaT, meherM, menakaP, mitaleeS, moinaM, morganeS mugdha.gang, mrunmayeeG, Muskaan,

naliniP, namitaF, nanditaM, nanditaP, naomiM, natashaB, natashaE, natasha.nakitaS, natashaS, neelK, neenazI, nehaB, nehaJ, nehaV, neharikaS, nehaS, neishaM, neolaD, nidhiM, nidhiT, ninetteP, Nishaant, noelSh, oleenM,

parinazS, pervinS, petalG, poonamB, poonamS, priyankaSS, prachiS, pritiI, priyankaSur,

rachaelDC.gang, radhikaR, radhikaS, rakheeP, rakhshandaK,ramonaP, rashmiK, rashnaI, reemaPr, rheaC, rheaD, riddhiK, riddhimaB, riyaK, roannaB, rochanaK, roshnaT, ruchiG, ruchiPal, ruhiM, rutujaP,

sanket, sharonD, sharonS. sherlynM, shireenL, shivaniS, shradaB, shraddhaK, shraddhaN, shrutiB, shrutiG, shrutiW, shubhamS, siddheshwariD, siddhiA, sohiniM, sonaliG, sonalP, sukritiS, sumitraB, supriyaC, supriyaK, supriyaR, surabhiC, surabhiN, swethaA, swethaV,

tamaraM, tanviS, tarangC, tasneemF, tejashreeC, tessA, thaizaD, trinoldaC,

uddipanaK, ujjainiS, urvijaG, utkarshaD, utshaM,

vabriena, vaidehiC, vaidehiK, vaishakheeJ, vaishaliJ, valerieR, valettaF, vanitaD, vanithaK, veeraF, vibhaK, vibhaR, vidyaN, vidhyS,

xeniaA, yakutaK, yaminiW, yogitaM, yojanaY,

zahraM, zaverS, zeniaA, ziaP, zomieI,

My dear

Not much rain for a very long time now, very rushed times recently and my inbox has been screaming at me for attention and necessary action.

Lots of orientations and workshops one on the heels of another. And the weekend before (10th-12th) a big one…

Yet another Team Building camp… Friday to Sunday in the beautifully wooded rain-washed Stanislaus villa at Lonavala.

44 students mostly new, shy, hesitant, wondering what they were getting into.     


Just three days and they discovered their own awesomeness and teamed that up with the awesomeness of others …

Group activities, fun, games, singing, dancing and reflecting on life situations through structured exercises.

“It was too short” was their common comment.

“I am getting too old and tired for this” was my comment. I did get tired, really… and they looked after me very considerately. The joy and enthusiastic change in confidence and vibrancy  in them was worth the effort. I do not want to do it again next year but there does not seem to be anyone else in line for something like this. Let’s see…

Busy times continue. I had 5 sessions of creativity with a post graduate communications group last week.

And coming week a session on Survival Strategies in Relationship Management for another post-graduate group at Mithibhai College in Ville Parle.  More tired I shall be at the end of all this. But I shall survive for sure.

Hope everything is bubblingly effervescent for you!

Take care. Stay well. Get your umbrella out, wave it around at the heavens and pray fervently for rain!

Lots of love, Terry

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