aadiR, abi, aditiK, alanna, alan.fly, anuI, alex, anuP, anupaK, aparajitaG, arshia, arunK,
biniS, brindaD,
carl, chloe, claudette,
deblina, dwishaH, firooza,
jyotsna, kimM,
leaC, lexley, lizaS, loo,
maranna, marisaD, maryA, mayuri, mehekM, meherM, merle,
nanditaM, nehaN, neharika, nidhiSheth, nikitaDas. nikitaDesh,
oleen, pearlD, poojaB, pranjaliK, priyankaJ,
rakhee, reema, rheaC, roopina, rosie,
saloniB, samataV, shalmaliS, sharvari, shilpaS, shobhaG, shonaliS, shriyaP, siddhi, sonia.derek, soniaJ, sophiaJ, stan, stutiS,
tess, thaiza, tonyJ,
urvija, utshaM, wendy, zeniaA,
Inspiration from the environment for you…..
photo : kevin d’cruz quote : terryq
Picture taken on the grassy hillside in Khandala during the rains…..
Tiny little glowing white flower…. lost amidst the wild rough and expansive grassy green….
We so often miss out on the little beautiful life things all around us….
In nature… in people….. in events…. in opportunities…..in so much else.
The bloom around we sometimes see
makes bloom within refreshingly…
That is an original terryquote…. just in case!
All well here but busily busy. Summertime rush for testing and counselling..
But things are under control and I am OK. Christmas (when I next get a break of sorts) is just around the corner!
It is really a big corner but that does not matter. I will look forward to it.
More bloom to you too.
Take care. Love, Terry