aabhaA, aartiK, aaryaT, aashiR, aashnaH, aasthaD, aditiV, afreedM, ahatS, aishwaryaN, akshataS, Alan.fly, abiM, aishwariyaG, aishwaryaM, alan,fly, alishaL, angular, anilaV, anishaA, anishaDeS. ankitaG, ankitaR,gang, annabellaP, annukampaH, anoushkaV, antaraT, anupamaA, anupreetD, anuradhaI, anushkaK, aparajitaG, aparnaAn, aparnaT, arpitaN, arshiaK, arthurD, arushiB, ashikaM, ashnaR. ashwiniM, ashwiniN, asmitaK, aveeP, aymanC, ayushiU,
barkhaS, barnaliM, beenaM, bernadetteF, bernadineR, bhaktiP, bhaniC, bhavanaH, bibakhya, biniS, binduP, boscoR, brindaD,
calvinaF.gang, carissaD, carlM, carlSa, carolineC, carolineM, carolineP, celinaF, charisma, chandniC, chelseaR, cheriseM, chong, christabelleR, christieD, christineC, christineF, chryslynnD, clerisaV, cynaraP,
danicaD.gang, dasylD, deanneR, daapaSom, deepikaS, deeptiA, derekMsonia, devenC, dishaK, divyaD, diyaM, dorothyT, durgaG,
edwinaP, emilD, fahlenF, Feliu, firoozaA,
gailC, gandhaliK, gargiM, gauriK, gautamiP, geetaC, gerardD.fly, giselleF, giselleL, gloriaH, gouriB,
habibaI, hailleyT,
indrayaniM, insiaL, ishaS, ishitaK,
janiceB, jasminJ, jenniferG, jessicaA, joeyP, jonitaD, joynelF.gang, judeA, juhiV, jyotsnaM,
kalindiR, kaneenicaN, karenD, karenF,karenMont, karishmaC, kimberlyR, kshitiSV,
latikaV, lexleyP, lionelF, lizannF,
madlin,maduraG, malvikaA, manaliG, marietteV, marjorieF, ,
manaliG, maneeshaP, maryA, meaganR menakaP, michaelC, miloniS,misbahS, mishkaS,
namitaF, naomiF, nehaB, neharikaSi, neolaD, nikitaA, nityaN, niveditaV, noelSh,
paridnyaK, pervinS, prekshaB, pritiI, pruthaSom, puja.gang, putliP,
rachitaD, radhikaR, radhikaS, rakheeP, rakhshandaK, rashmitaS, rebeccaSh, rheaC, rituD, rochelleP, roseJ, roshnaT,
salimS, sameeraK, sanketK, sarahT, savioCar, shalmaliSur, sharonAD, sharonSi, shaziyaK, sherlaineV, shreyansiS, shubhikaV, simoneL, SnehaJanaki, sonalK, soniaJ, sophiaJ, srushtiD, sulaxanaB, suzanneDC,
tanazN, tanishaM, tarangC,
utsha, valentinaF, vibhaK, viennaP, vijayG, vrushaliK, walterP,
yaminiJ, yashuU,
zahraM, zaitoonE, zaverS, zeniaA, ziaP,
My dear
More from my times and spaces here…
There is beautiful in the dark and lights of my counselling centre. There is colour too and a quiet composed sense of happening. Art and nature you will find on the pin-up board, the walls and in the array of plants all around. You might have noticed that when you were here.
There is some sense in the clutter of random as well and a use and purpose for the many things strewn about.
Maybe it is a kind of metaphor of how life should be – black and white, colourful, comfortable, useful and random with a this-that, here-there, come-and-go excitement that makes all of it a sparkle adventure one grows through.
And in the end things balance dynamically into place and all is well…
Hope things are in place and well in your own life-adventures too.
Take Colour purple 2care. Grow beautifully.
Lots of love, Terry