aashitaK, abiM, aditiR, aenaT, akhilaN, alan.fly, anaghaB, andreaDM, andreaN, anthonyF, anuG, anushkaR, aparnaAch, arantxaC, arushiB, ashnaG,
binduP, biniS, boscoR,
calvinaF.gang, candiceC, carenF, carlSa, carolineP,chelseaD, chelseaGon, christabelleR,
debashreeD, diyaM, divyaDevis, dorothyT,
emicaN, ericaM,
farinazL, feliu, fleurelD,
gargiP, gauriK, genevieveDsil, gerardD.fly, giselleF, gloriaH, glynisM, graham,
hetaC, insiaL,
janhaviPat, jankiM, jayaJ, jessicaAl, joelJ, johnQ, jyotsnaM,
loos, kanakS, kananV, kaneenicaN, kavithaMoo, keomiD, kiranT,
leannD, lilyB, lionelF,
madhuraM, mahzarineJ,mallikaK, mallikaT, manishP, manujaS, mariaD, marietteV, marjorieF, milieeA, mikeC, minellaF, mrunmayeeP,
namitaF, nehaJ, nehaVa, nehaVe, ninetteP, nirmalaA, noorV,
parinazA, payalV, pearlSh, pervinS, poojaKum, priyamvadaM, priyankaN, priankaJ,
radhikaA, radhikaR, radhikaS, rakheeP, rakshandaT, ralphC, richaSh, riddhiK, rishnaT, roseJ,ruhiJ, rural15, rutaK, noorV,
saiP, salilS, sandhyaS, sangeetaSh, sanketK, sashaM, shalmaliSank, shalmaliSur, sharonSin, shaziyaK, shenaJanaki, shivangiPar, shrutiG, simoneL, sujataSah, surabhiN, surabhiS, surbhiK,
tanviSang, tanyaN, tarangC, tejaswiniP, tessA,tezzspace, tomK, tony/vincia, tusharG,
utshaM, vaidehiM, vaishnaviP, valentinaF, vallariM, vanditaS, varadaS, varshaM, venoraL, vijayG, vinitaM, vrushaliK,
waltyP, wendyD,
yaminiJ, yashuU, yvetteG, ziaH,
Nature music in the attachment…
My dear
Thanks for your mail… and more wonder times to you.
Sharing with you another random terry-reflection…
You surely must have noticed it… all of nature dances as well.
People dance occasionally… and most of the time they require music and a rhythmic beat to dance to.
That isn’t the case with nature. Nature dances all the time… and the rhythmic music and beats are picked up from the universe all around. You have surely seen birds dance… and animals… and perhaps insects and fish and other living creatures. Movies have been made of these dances.
And one sees these movies and smiles at nature being so much like us.
Actually it is the other way around.
Nature doesn’t dance. It is the dance!
And we humans are the copy-cat imitators of the music and dance in plants and animals, in breezes, waves on the sea-shore, swaying tree-tops…even dried up leaves on the ground graced by winds playfully waltzing them around.
If only we too could become the dance with them!
I do believe we are meant to be that.
Here’s a photo freeze of a dance I came up on in the chilli fields we were working on at our SSL rural camp some years back.
No comment. You can see the grace and beauty for yourself.
If you close your eyes and listen, you will hear the music too! And maybe you will want to sway gracefully and join in.
Listen to music inside you…feel the rhythmic beats of the music around you and let you life and living be the celebration dance that it is meant to be.
And when we meet up, as we occasionally do, it would be nice if we dance around a bit together!
I would like that.
The exam season is coming up and other variations of chilli dancing happen all around as classes wind up and studies and related excitements grab the attention of everyone around here. Counselling going on still but not so rushed… Not that other things are not happening and I continue being busy.
Take care. Stay well. Dance on…
Lots of love, Terry