connecting again…!!…_

 Aloysj, anilaV, anthonyF, arantxaA, brianF,

carlSa, cheriseM, Cheryl.johnD,

gerardR, glendaR, glynisM, gordonD,

janineC, jasmine, jessicaA, joelR, johnFr, juliaJ,

karenF. lexleyP, linusF, lisbertD,

marietteV, marisaDM, maryA, merinM, naliniP,

ozyG, patR, petrinaD, putliP, rennyG.

samiraM, savioCar, shanisseDM,shantalC,

tomK, tonyF, valentinaF, vibhaR,


My dear

Thanks for your mail and good wishes.

Random reflections of mine just now…

I used to look different then. A lot more hair and much slimmer. The years have taken their toll. No complaints.

Among busy other things, I still spend a lot of time somewhat hunched in front of my computer connecting and keeping in touch with the whole world.

Not too many keep back in touch with me – at least by mail – and once again no complaints.

I know that they are out there somewhere and they care.






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Thanks for replying to my Easter season mails and wishing me. Really appreciate it. You cannot imagine how happy I was as the mails and wishes came pouring in.

And since I have an OCD issue about this, here I am happily replying.

I had a quiet, peaceful and relaxed Easter Sunday. Most of the time I spent mailing peace wishes to a whole lot of people. Easter late morning mass, super lunch, sublime afternoon nap and mailing tirelessly in the inbetweens. Good dinner … and a few other chill-out things before bedtime. Received a late night mail that set some mentally disturbing things at rest… and I slept peacefully.

Now back to normal things here.

More wonder and peaceful times in your own life too.

You take care. Stay well.

Love, Terry  



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