aanjanaS, anuP,
komal, Latika, poonamB,
saloniD, smritiA, sujataS, tanviS,
It’s been in my room many years now, that long lazy stretch-out easy chair.
And many have found solace and peace sinking into its comfort and wallowing indulgently in its embrace. Some were just tired and needed a rest break. Others were troubled and needed to get away for a while for a breath of de-stressing peace.
There is something about that old chair that adds a touch of healing to one’s life.
It creaks and wobbles a bit as you settle down in it, but once you surrender, the calming process begins.
The many carelessly strewn cushions add even more comfort to the healing. But cushions have to be properly arranged or else the discomfort becomes an interference…..
And when all is on place and the adjusting equations are made then …
As with easy-chairs and cushions, so also with much of life. The quest is always for a greater degree of comfort and peace. With ourselves, with our families, at work, in our relationships and so on…
We sometimes just plop ourselves down on the cushions as they are… and wriggle around sleeplessly with unnecessary discomfort. Cushions can be re-arranged and that is hardly any effort. And when the cushions are best arranged then we adjust our own bodies for optimising the comfort.
So much like life: cushions we re-arrange and adjust to as we take on the everyday challenges that come to us.
And the easy-chair does the rest ( pun intended!)