Growing older 1 !(turn on your speakers).._

aayushR, aditiK, akshayaK, alishaL, alricaD, amritaS, anaghaK, anganaG, ankitaR, annukampaH,  anoushkaV, antaraT, arshiaK, arunK, arushiB, atray, asheeshT,

bhawnaS, chaitaliM, chantelle.shanisse, charisma, cherylV, chitraP,

danica.gang, deliciaJ, dikshaN, dimples, diptiH, dwishaH,

emicaN, fahlen, feruzan, fleurD,

gauharS, giselleL, glynisM, gordon, hailleyT,

jaiS, jenniferG, joelR, joynel.gang, judeA,

kalpitaJ, kateC, kavyaR, ketakiM, kezzyP, kimberleyR, kiranT, krutiT, kshitiV,

lisbert, lornaD, lourdesP,

madhuraM, maherraK, mariaD, meherM, merinM, merleO,mitaliR, mrunmayeeG,

nakitaS, naliniP, namrataS, naomiF, naomiM, nehaB, nehaSal, nicoleDL, nikitaDut, nishkaM, niveditaVic, noorV,

pearlDS2, philipT, poonamS, pranotiS, preetiRag, priyaL, priyankaJ, priyankaS, pruthaS, putliP,

quraysh, rachelC, rakheeP, rasikaV, rebeccaDL, rebeccaT, rithikaD, romaN, ruchiPar, rubyP, ruhiJ,

sabinaS, sayaliN, salilG, samiraM, saniaD, sanjanaM, sanket, shagunP, sharonN, sharonSi, sharvi, shraddhaN, shreyaT, shrutiN, sianneD, sohiniM, srishtiJ, suellenC, swethaV, sybilD,

taranaP, teddyD, thaizaD, tony.vincia, truptiP,

urvijaG, vaidehiC, valentineF, vallariM, vidhiG, vineetN, vrushaliG,

zahraM, zarineN,

Enjoy the music attachment!

My dear

Thanks for remembering, for your email wishes, for the love affection and appreciation you show to me.

It’s just after my 72nd birthday.

A reasonably long life upto now. And I have learned so much along the way…

Here’s sharing one of these learnings with you….with an appropriate animated self-portrait to match!!


the older you grow


                                        the more you become

                                                   of what you already are…..!!


You have an advantage since you are younger than I am… you can still plan for and do the kind of things that will make your old age something even more wonderful to be looked forward to!!

The way you spend the rest of your life depends, in a large manner, on the way you spend your NOW!!

So go for it….and I will also look forward to being in touch with you as the more wonderful things begin to take shape in your life…

And I am glad that you can walk in and out of here as comfortably as you do…

More of that as the years pass by….

Regardless of the seeming disadvantage I might have in age and good looks, I love you too!!

Take care. Terry

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