Harold_s Planet – CHOOSE HAPPY

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uddipanaK, umaRC, urvijaG,


waltyP, wendyC, wendyD, Wesley,

YvetteG, zenV,

My dear

Long time… and it is good to connect with you again.

A general message of sorts from me…

Regardless of things that happen to us, we always have a choice about how we are going to be affected by them.

Not easy when things go wrong but the choice is there for sure.


There might be times and occasions when your choice of happy helps others to choose happy too!

That would really be a good thing.

So choose happy and spread happy!

Over the weekend I was away at Ghas (Vasai) for a Community picnic. Ten of the Jesuit fathers went. All male, all senior citizens, all quite tired for having to do so much during the year, all looking forward to the break.

No song-and-dance and otherwise jumping around picnic. We fathers are way beyond that.

Eat/sleep/chat/walk /sit around a bit/eat/sleep … and things like that that we do not have much of a chance to do when we are here. Restful/peaceful… just the way I like it!

Back to routine college things now… life goes on.

Busy counselling times and inbetweens continue.

And life goes on…

Take care. Stay well. Choose happy. Stay happy.

Love, Terence

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