Alpha Rose..!

aadiR, aartiK, aarushiB, aashitaJ, aasthaD, agnesJ, akshayaK, akshayaN,, alannaC, alpaA, alyshaA, ankitaM, antaraC, aarya, aditiK, Aindrila, akhilaN,, alfredo, alpaA, alpaD, Alreena, andreaFdz, andrewsj, Aneri, anagha, anaitaM, andreaN, AninditaS, anishaA, Anjana, anjuM, ankitaG, ankitaM, ankitaT, ankitaTan, annukampa, antaraC, antaraT, anthonyD, anuradhaP, anushkaK, anushriP, aparajitaG, aparnaKa, aparnaKh, apna, arpitaN, Arushi, arshiya, ashikaM, atashiB, aveeP,

beckyDL, beena, bernadetteF, Binita, biancaP, binaiferS, Bosco, brindaD, bunnyM,

Candice, carenF, carissa, carl, Chandani, cherylM, chitraB, chloe, chong, christieDC, christinaV, christineF, chryslynn, claudette, cynaraP,

Damini, Debrani, deepaShe, deepaSom, deepikaM, deepikaS, deeptiA, Delzin, denverC, Derek.sonia, divyaD, divina, dishaK, durga,

elaineDS, eshaH, evarist,

farinaz, fatemaS, Fayann, Feliu, fionaV, Firooza,

gautamiP, Geeta, genevieveS, geselleDC, giselleL, goldie, gunjan,

Habiba, haim, heba, hima,

ibtisamS, Insia, ishaG, ishaS,

jahnaviDS, janhaveeP, janiceS, jankiM, jasmine, jenniferG, jhanviV, joanL, joannaM, joey, jonitaDM, joseluis, judeA, juliaJ, JyotsnaM,

Kaneenica, Kanica, karin, karina Bha, karinaBur, karishmaC, karishmaS, kashu, kavithaP, kavya, ketakiM, kiera, kimberlyL, kimM, kimmyann, kinjalS, komalA, kunali, krutiT,

Latika, Lattania, leaC, leahDS, leenaP, Lexley, lilyB, Lizann, lizaS, lornaD, Louella, lynette,

maherraK, Mahzarine, malvikaA, manasiP, manasiR, manasiS, manaliG, manasviB, manasviS, manavikaP, maneeshaP, maniniC, manujaS, maranna, marietteV, marisaD, marisaM, maryannLD, mary-AnnC, mayuri, merle, meghanaMaggi, melanie, Melwyn, menakaD, menakaP, menon, michelleF, michelleK, Mishka, moina, mumta, MuskaanJ,

nandaS, nainaB, nanditaM, nanditaP, NaomiM, natashaB, natashaLed, natashaLo, Natasha.nakitaS, natashaS, navya, neelK, Neenaz, nehaB, nehal, Neisha, neolaDS, nicoleC, nicoleS, nidhiA, nidhiM, nikeetaD, nikitaA, nimishaB, Nishaant, nishi, niveditaM, niveditaV,

oleen, ozy,

pallaviS, paridnya, Parinaz, payalS, payalV, pearlD, Pervin, petal, poojaK, poonamB, preethiP, pranjaliK, priyaBaid, priyaJ, priyankaR, priyankaS, priyankaSS, pujaG,

rachelK, radhikaA, radhikaS, Rakhee, ramonaP, rasikaV,ratiP, reshmaB, rheaC, rolandF, roshnaT, ruchiPal, Rutuja,

saloniD, samantha, samataA, sameera, Sanchari, sanchitaDG, sanjanaJ, sanjanaM, saradaB. sarahT, sayaleeK, shalmaliK, shalmaliS, Shamsah, shantalaK, sharanya, sharon, sharonP, Sharmistha, sharvariP, sheetalG, shetalS, shilpaS, shireenL, shivaniS, shivaniSw, shonaD, shradaB, shreyaT, shriyaP, shwetaD, Siddheshwari, Siddhi, simmi, simone.pedro, simoneS, simrinV, sindhuraP, smritiA, smritiJ, snehaT, Sohini, sonaliG, soniaM, shraddhaK, shrutiW, shubhraS, smitaS, soniaJ, stan, stutiS, sukantiB, Sumitra, supriyaC, swatiG, sweedle,

tamaraM, tarang, tess, Thaiza, tomK,

UpneetS, , Urvija, utsha,

valerieR, valettaF, vanithaK, varshaM, veeraF, vibhaK, vibhaR, vidyaN, vidyaR, vinitaB,

walter, wendyC, wendyD, yogitaM,

Zahra, zarineN, zaver, zeniaA,

My dear

It’s been a long time… and I am glad to be connecting with you again.

Hope all is well and wonderful for you… and you have my blessings that they might be even more so!

Sharing something with you. This is a picture of an Alpha Rose. The buds of the Beta Rose and the Delta Rose are on either side of it on the edge of blooming.


It was the first rose (hence the name Alpha) to bloom in my garden quite a while ago. I took a picture so I would always remember it.

It was a simple looking ordinary white rose and not very beautiful as roses go. It definitely would not have won a prize at any spectacular Rose Show, but it was the first rose in my garden and hence it was very special.

The first of anything is always special. Not that the others are anything less but the first is always special. Like the first child or the first marriage in the family or the first love or the first anything (first triumph, first award, first mistake….). Much, and even better may follow after that but the first is always special and one remembers it in a different way. Somewhere in the mansion of our memories is this big room for the special firsts! We go there now and then and nostalgically relive the joy and the pain and the inevitable growing up that followed from that first.

I still remember the very first telephone call I made to Uncle Fabian from a small booth on the pavement outside our Pushpa Bhavan building in Colaba. That was in 1963 and I was about 18 years old. (I made my second telephone call when I was 23 years old. I have improved since then but not very much!!) I was quite nervous and remember beginning the conversation saying “Look here, uncle, daddy says……” . (The “Look here…” was the way dad often began his occasional conversations with us!)

I remember the Alpha Rains of each monsoon season too. I remember the alpha sprouts and shoots and buds and flowers in my little garden, alpha friendships, alpha breakups and make-ups, alpha breakthroughs and achievements and loads of other alpha happening.

And alpha mistakes and goof-ups! Those too!

All these and many other firsts are etched in my memory and will remain there for as long as I live. And the learning and living continue more flourishingly because of all these.

I am sure you have your “firsts” too… your Alpha Roses. And more of these will come into your life as the years pass. May they be happy, memorable and may they add excitements and delights through all of your continuing growing up!

Lots of exciting roses (alpha to omega) to you as new buds and blossoms come and bright-bloom in your own life.

Take care.

Love, Terry

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