aabhaA, aashnaH, abigailM, alannaC, ameeG, amritaS, anaitaK, andreaN, andreaV.denver, angelaR, ankitaG, ankitaT, annabelleF, anoushkaV, arunK,
boscoR, carissaD, carlS, chong,
deepaShe, dishaK, donnaP, emilD,
fayannD, franciscaP, geetaC, glendaN,
ishaS, jhanaveeP, joelR,
johncieR, joseLuis, juliaJ, komalA,
lexleyP, lizannF,
maherraK, mariaDS, marisaDM, marisaM, mrudutaC,
natashaS, neelK, neharikaS, nanditaM, neolaDS, nikitaD, niveditaM, petalG,
pearlDS2, radhikaR, rakheeP, rashnaI, reemaPr, renitaF, roannaB, roshnaT, ruhiM,
sanketK, sharonS, sherlaineV, sherlynM, shireenL, shubhamS, sonalG, soniaJ, sujata, supriyaK, surabhiC, surbhiK,
tamaraM, tanyaM, tb2015, tejashreeC,
vabrienaD, vaishaliJ, valerieR,vanessaV,vibhaK, vijayG, yvetteG. zomieI,
My dear
Thanks for your mail.
Bit of a rush of things here recently. Among them was my 70th birthday on July 25th. Quite a milestone that I have successfully arrived at and smoothly passed. The next milestone will be my 80th in 2025! Hopefully you will be around then to celebrate with me.
It really was a lovely day. A 70th birthday is quite a lot of fun. Visits, calls, cards, gifts and umpteen cakes and chocolates! The good times continue and a birthday is an exclamation mark in the essay of one’s life. There are other marks too – punctuation, quotation, question and whatever else.
Our stories get written even as we live them!
Much of the rush for me is over for now and I shall breathe gently and easily for a while.
St. Ignatius Feast Day was on the 31st but I did not have anything special to do there. Malhar mood and accompanying wild noises mount with the passing of days.
That’s it for now. Take care, stay well, wave your dry umbrella to the heavens and make some more rain prayers and dances!