I CANNOT COMPOSE HAIKU I cannot compose Haiku To say how much hailaiku and prose it bores. It’s much too plain for a time like this. So what do I do? Chime a rhyme out of time to say ‘bye’? (sigh!) Do you have to go? I know a rainbow Cannot stay forever. But rainbows …
Category Archives: Poems
I 07 silhouette2
I 06 new light
Andy, ArchanaR, Anahita, Behnaz, Bhakti , Connie, francisDm, Gautami, Ian, Julia, kenrick, Lorna, MarisaD., Namita, Nanda, Neenaz, Nicky, Parinaz, PoojaC, PriyankaBajaj, Rosie, Sandhya, SaradaB, Shonali, Simone, SonalG, TonyDias, TanyaM, Yax, Zaitoon, Zarina, retreat house garden, bandra photo : terryq Sometimes one frets the unseen sun or celebrates the floral hues in silhouette or different seen with …
I 05 Stone Beaches…….(2)
Ajay, AnishaA.,Apukaps, Flo, Lulu, Nimma, SoniaNair, Ujjaini, Yax Eons past it was that way Rough beach expanse of unhewn stone atop each other jumbled set stretched out unfriendly barricade to ebb and flow of wave and surf Stone beach, forbidding structured ban No barefoot prints of passaged walk or races run on playful days. And yet the distance …
I 04 Stone Beaches..!
Ajay, AnishaA.,Apukaps, Flo, francisDM, kenrick, Lulu, Nimma, SoniaNair,Ujjaini, Yax photo : terryq Eons past it was that way Rough beach expanse of unhewn stone atop each other jumbled set stretched out unfriendly barricade to ebb and flow of wave and surf Stone beach, forbidding structured ban No barefoot prints of passaged walk or races run on playful …
I 03 Run.. run on..! ( turn on the music)..! ._
Abi, Ajay.gang, Akhila, akshayaK, alan.fly, alfredo, AlpaD, anila, Aparajita, archanaR, Ashika, ayeshaB, Beena, Bernadette, biancaP, biniS, Bosco, candiceC, carenF, carissa, carl, charmaineD, chitraP, chong, claudette, clydeG, deepaSom, Derek.sonia, deven, dishaK, farinaz, francisDM, geetaC, giselleL, Glenda, Insia, Jasmine, joey, Johncie, judeA, Jyotsna, Kaneenica, Kanica, kashu, kavithaM, kenrick, kezzy, kevin, Kiran, Latika, loo., manasviS, Manuja, mariaB, , …
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I 02 pilgrim..!!
francisDM, kenrick2, reema, tarang, The moving on from hostel to Father’s Quarters to wherever else whenever, is like an ongoing pilgrimage for me with the kind of life I have chosen. By the way today is the 49th anniversary of my leaving home to join the Jesuit order : 20th June, 1963. That was the …
I 01 against odds._
aashitaJ, Ajay.gang, Alan.fly, ankitaT, aparnaKher, biniS, Bosco, Brinda, carl, chloe, claudette, deepaShe, durga, firoozaA, francisDM, ishaS, jyotsnaM, Kaneenica, kashu, kavithaP, kenrick, krutiT, leaC, Lexley, lizannF, Mahzarine, Manali, manasiP, Manavika, manujaS, Mariette, marisaD, mayuri, mehekM, mruduta, menakaD, menakaP, Mumtaz, nanda, nikitaDesh, nishi, payalS, pervinC, poonamB, pujaG, renny, rheaC, Rheazel, Rigvedita, riyaK, ronita, roxaneK, ruta, Sandip.sujata, shireenL, …
Happily growing up ( turn on your speakers) !!
aadiR, aartiK, abhaP, aditiR, ajayN, akshata, alan.fly, aliefyaV, alisha.anu, amritaSah, anaghaK, andreaF, andreaN, anganaG, anishaDS, anjana, ankitaG, akshaya, alpaD, anieV, anthonyD, anuI, aparajitaG, aparnaA, aparnaT, archanaB, arshiaK, arthur, arunDeS, arunK, Arzanne, ayeshaD, barbara, beenaJ, biancaP, binaiferS, carl, caroline, Celina, cherylDS, chitraP, Christie, claudette, clyde, deven, dishaK, durgaG, dwishaH, Edwina, Erica, evarist, eshaH, fleurD, gandhaliKL, geetaC, …
Continue reading “Happily growing up ( turn on your speakers) !!”
Hands fallen
HANDS FALLEN Hands fallen Now only the old clock knows What time of day it is. 7.3.89 The wind caresses my face with the passing fragrance it steals from yours. 7.3.89 Your eyes are sad I ache within for the pain you alone must know. 7.3.89 And for this time a poem. Gifts can rest …