, boscoR, carlM, carlSa, delonP, glynisM, michaelC, namitaF, rheaC, sharonP, sharonSi, stanF, tommyL, My dear I might have mailed you some of the little precious notes I have received from God over the years. Earlier I only used to pray to him. I continue praying to him but recently I started writing notes to him …
Category Archives: Stories
NTG 06 My all
NTG 04 Invitation
NTG 04 instrument of peace
NTG 04 instrument of, My dear Some notes from God to me. Some notes from me to Him. For my sake it is nice to be in touch always. He tells me, I follow. I ask, He makes happen. Here is one of my notes to Him… Photo: terryQ That was the same prayer …
NTG 03 Beautiful
NTG 03 abba father
NTG 02 invitation
notes from God_
Dearest T, No two ways about it – I want you to have a beautiful day ! Just a reminder – I love you! SURPRISE! Stars in the daytime sky… You do not see them but they are there.. I am around too… I am glad that you listen to others. I listen a lot too. …
NFG 58 stay beautiful, My dear Yet another note from God… This one came to me without the usual salutation and signing off. He must have guessed that I would know it was from Him… And I did know it was from Him… always positive…always real… always encouraging…always grace-full! Photo/quote: terryq We often have no complete control of …