Category Archives: Stories
NFG 46 allow me
NFG 45 Always with you
NFG 44 Light up
aabhaA, aartiK, aaryaT, aashiR, aashnaH, aasthaD, abiM, aditiV, afreedM, ahatS, ajay.gang, aishwariyaG, aishwaryaM, aishwaryaN, akshata, akshataS,, alishaL, alisonD, ambikaJay, amritaSah, amritaSho, angelaRod, angelineL, anilaV, anishaA, anishaDeSA, ankitaG, ankitaRgang, annabellaP, annukampaH, anoushkaV, antaraT, anuG, anupamaA, anupreetD, anushkaD, anushkaK, anushreePar, aparajitaG, aparnaKap, aparnaT, arpitaN, , arshiaK, arshiyaKh, arthurD, arushiSh, ashikaM, ashnaR, ashwiniM, ashwiniN, asmitaK, aveeP, aymanC, …
NFG 43 take on the world, My dear Another recent note from God… I have other inbetween ones that I have not sent around but this one is good for now. Good to know that we ourselves have a lot of resources to take on the world… and in addition he loads us with his own power, blessings, grace and …
NFG 42 rainbow, My dear The rains seem to have phased off a bit but I hear that there is rain in the catchment areas and the lakes are filling up.. Good. Another little and encouraging note from God showing me ways again… I haven’t seen a single rainbow in the sky this rainy season. Maybe that’s …
NFG 41 beautiful will happen
NFG 40 forgive photo: terryq We need to learn that really… more for our own sakes than for the sake of the one who has done us wrong. Unforgiveness scars us deep inside, eats into our peace and serenity, and hovers over us like a haunting unhealthy cloud of discomfort. No, we may not forget the hurt …
NFG 39 My dreams for you. ._
Abi,, alfredo, andreaN, angana, anthonyD, aparajitaG, biniS, Bosco, carissa, carl, Derek.sonia, deven, Edwina, Feliu, fleurD, Glenda, jennyP, joseLuis, hailleyT, janiceB, jenniferG, jenniferT, jennyP, karenF, karenMont, karishmaC, kashu, kiera, kimmyann, kumar, Louella, Manasvi, marieM, marisaD, Nakita.natasha, Neharika, nicoleS, Pearl, radhikaS, Rakhee, rheaC, ruchiPal, Shamsah, sharonN, simmi, sonaliG, sujataS, Sumitra, swethaD, tomK, uday, Urvija, Vivien, walter, …
NFG 38 answered, alishaL, alishaR, anishE, arunD, barbaraD, boscoR, carlSa. dorothyT, glynisM, ingridM, joeySP, maryA, mikeC, namitaF, naomiS, pearlDS2, sharonP, sophiaJ, tomK, valentinaF, My dear Last week of Lent before Holy Week. Lent is a special time of prayer and maybe some of us remember that and take time off occasionally to pray a bit. Those who …