From Shoes and Socks and Uniforms_

FROM SHOES AND SOCKS AND UNIFORMS from shoes and socks and uniforms to jeans and kholapuris from candysticks and lollipops to ‘chais’ and pani puri from ‘love bug’ ‘champ’ and ‘mickey mouse’ to ‘papillon’ and ‘damien’ from ‘please excuse’ and ‘thank you, miss’ to ‘freak out’ ‘cool’ and ‘hey men’ from hidden scenes and silent …

From quiet times and shy _Hellos_

FROM QUITE TIMES AND SHY “HELLOS” From quite times and shy “Hellos” To yells across quadrangles From plain unornamented looks to googles, rings and bangles from hardly ever mixing round to whispered plans and plottings of how to meet and what to say – romantic glances, outings. You’ve zipped around by leaps and bounds so …