Birthday wishes to Cheryl


Since, Cheryl dear, we’re stuck up here

alone with mother nature,

you will not hear our birthday song

in C or Bb major.

And though we simply cannot give

you close felicitation

across these distant miles we send

our verse-atile vibrations.

This day for you and you alone

whate ‘er the cost or peril

we’ll dedicate, and earth and sky

will sing to us of Cheryl.

The dawn will whisper morning bliss

in music sentimental

we’ll feel your touching presence there

fresh as a breeze, and gentle.

Your face in bloom, your eyes, your smile,

your fascinating dimple

makes virgin flush of morning sky

look plain and drab and simple.

We’ll see your smile light up the sky

when sun-kissed clouds awaken

hill and valley, every leaf

that breath of wind has shaken.

While mountain stream and water-fall

and bulbul, thrush and lark will

sing in praise of twinkling eyes

rare jewels full of sparkle.

Yes, every mountain bird will join –

( stan says they’ll do it for us)

in polyphonic harmony

a swinging birthday chorus.

And every stone and blade of grass

and brook and wind that blows is

spreading memories of you

by humming, “paper roses”! !

We’ll see you when our coffee boils

and hear each sigh you utter

at breakfast we will share with you

our bread and peanut butter.

And when at lunch we’re munching through

tomatoes and cucumber

we’ll think of what you really are –

a superlative number!

We’ll dream of you while washing through

our pots and pans and dishes

the music of the plates we break

will sound like birthday wishes.

As setting sun and twilight hush

draw screen o’er hill and valley

for last celestial wish to you

a million stars will sally.

In case our message isn’t clear

before we bid adieu,

from Alex, Stan and Terry here –


( We know our greetings stray a bit

from those that are so formal

excuse our crazy mood today –

tomorrow we’ll be normal !)

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